Little Medic Girl

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sorry for not posting lately.. so much has been happening around here lately.. I got my Dad home safe and sound and in the care of a Fabulous Neurologist.. Kind been nice having him aroung. I have started my DREADED Chemotherapy. All I can say is YUKKY.. All while trying to work as many shifts as possibe.. I have a 3 week break from treatment coming up so I will be flying to Texas to R&R with a few of my friends for a week.. Thank you all for your love and concern.. Take care- Sammie. Staci And Michelle.. I promise to call you soon.. Comment and take care!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

SPF! Kristine over at Random and Odd has once again given us our assignment and once again I am her willing slave. For THIS Friday, May 5th, 2006
*Body of Water - think big or small it's up to you.
*Something with Flavor - yes, another wide open one
*Plant your Ass - where you park it
Go ahead, bitch and complain about having to think about it. I love to hear you whine!!

This week has been really topsy turvy.. My Father has Parkinsons and Epilepsy. So I am posting this tonight as I will be catching a flight to Fresno in the early am. Things took a turn for the worst so I am going down there to bring him back. If I don't get a chance to visit your SPF and comment forgive me.
Now on with the good stuff!
1) Body of water
Ok I know this is not a pretty sight. This is the pool in my back yard.. It should have been my project this week to get cleaned out and painted but I got suckered into working a shitload of hours. What is another week of green yukkieness gonna hurt.. I have to clean and paint this bugger out every spring.. OH JOY

2) Something with flavor
This is one of my favorite treats. Rootbeer Float. YUMMY!

3)Plant your ass. Where you park it.
This is where I sit for up to 70 hours a week. Not comfy but when the cot is in the back it is an excellent place to nap on shift.

Did Ya Play?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I Should Be Wearing One Of These Today!!!! I have lost my mind or I am on the verge of it. Almost 8 years ago I had a wonderful boyfriend that I cared deeply for. His name is John. I had not been divorced very long and really wasn't in the best place in my mind to be having a relationship. So long story short we decided to remain friends. He is one of the best friends I have.
One of the strange things we share is a birthday. He was born at the same hospital and everything. So for our birthday that next year we got matching tattoos.

This is mine. Yes that is a Taurus symbol below it. Please ignore the stretch marks!..Moving on...

About a year after we got the tattoos we were out one night and I saw an ex-girlfriend of mine, Kara. Somewhere along the line they hook up and can you guess what happened next... THEY GOT MARRIED!!! I was floored. But ok I got over it.

They both went into the army. Crazy thing considering she had two boys from a previous relationship. But Ok it's her life.. Whatever. I haven't spoken with Kara since that night at the bar when they met. I don't really care to either. I have kept in contact with John though.

About 2 years ago they were both stationed in Georgia and they were both being sent to different countries. At this time they were not liking each other too much but had the obligatory sex before they went separate ways for a year or so. John hasn't seen her since.. Except for the letter that says "you are a Daddy". She had gone off to Germany. His roommate called me to tell me John was being shipped off to Iraq. OK Panic set in.. I immediately called him and asked why he hadn't been the one to tell me. He said it was because he couldn't stand to hear the fear in my voice. I made him promise to bring my other tattoo home. Meaning his backside in one piece.

During his time in Iraq I e-mailed him constantly and he called me at least twice a week.. That whole time I was terrified.. I thought it was because he was my friend and I hated that I didn't know what was going on with him. I think that turned into "Oh my god.. Somewhere out of nowhere I FEEL for him again".. Oh NO! Shit he is a married man. Ok I worked hard to get that thought out of my head. And I thought I had...

Until this was at my front door fresh form Iraq and out of the Army!!!!

It came home to me.. And John was attached to it. I am a tad shaken by the big ass scar that runs right through the Taurus symbol. But I can live with it.

Needless to say I have this flood of emotions driving me crazy. He didn't hide his at all. Don't worry... I found out he has filed for divorce.

I am still really guarded but who knows what the future will hold.