Little Medic Girl

Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm Playing Hooky!

I get to take the night off of work. Doctors orders.
I have had my head so full of stuff lately it is a good thing to take a night where I have to relax.
At about 0645 ( yes folks I use military time) I talked to the Fireman, Danny. I actually woke him up via a text message. I know but I just wanted to say good morning before he went to work. I have a serious case of Danny on the brain and I don't know why. People don't usually get to me like that. SOOO. by 1000 I decided to send him a text message. It's official. I am NUTZ! I have lost it completely!
OK next subject.. Last night XH#1(ex husband #1) called me and asked if he could get Ethans hair cut.. MMKAAYY.. My son his a fashion freak.. He picks out his own clothes, wears Hugo Boss cologne you get the idea. If you guessed that he also has to have a great hairstyle that is styled just so you would be right. I'm thinking a quick trim nothing too extreme.. Ok I am alright with that. Sure, get his haircut I say. Oh boy was I wrong. My son came home with a shaved head. Oh lord! I have no idea how he got talked into that one. The only problem was at school today he had a group of girls trying constantly rub his head. Maybe because it was so soft. I dunno.. But I hope he has learned a lesson. Girls like soft fuzzy stuff and if given the chance they will touch it. Ha.. I love it.


  • At Wed Feb 08, 03:58:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well its ok my little medic girl cause I have a major case of you on the brain also..kiss kiss


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